Age Verification
Are you old enough to shop amazing wines & spirits?
Call (212)229-2409 for FREE local delivery // Soho - Tribeca - West Village
A long time of sourcing and offering the most unique selection of wines and spirits to the Soho/West Village community.
labels you won't usually see around
limited releases and unicorn bottles
famous and sought-after makers of the world
The friendliest most knowledgeable store in Soho. A great selection of wines and they know what they're selling. Excellent selection. You won't be disappointed!! If I could give them 10 stars I would.
— Deborah L.
Amazing selection of natural and hard to find wines. Have been coming here for years and the team is extremely knowledgeable and provides excellent recommendations. Love it!
— Eva A.
They advertise "artisan and organic wines," and let me tell you, they have a great selection.
Service: 5 stars, they know what they sell. Thank you for the experience. Great :)
— Sebastian